Young durable, .. is a word that is always on and connected perbincangkan people in every opportunity, both in arisan women, arisan family, meet with old colleagues and others. But whether we actually know very well-preserved is easily found if we are patient menjalaninya. There are some people make themselves into the ageless polesan make up, consumption of certain foods, full-blooded circulatory, plastic surgery and others. All the people certainly want to always look fresh and young and look beautiful. Any way you can go to well-preserved, rather than waste money buying products for the cosmetics or medicines that ageless better see the tips and do this in order to reach keiginan dihati. These tips from you will know that the delay appeared to penuaan easily done.
As Edward Weiss made by a researcher from the University of Saint Louis, United States conducted research on women and men aged 50-60 years who do not smoke, does not Obesity, and have a healthy lifestyle so detikhot quoted from MSNBC, Friday (1 / 8 / 2008), namely the capacity to eat where Feed automatically reduce calories in the body. The understanding here is the entry of food into our bodies every day with regularly but do not reduce the value of nutrition needed by the body. And the second is to avoid eating too satisfied that we can create a glut in the sick body to become weak and not forceful. Reducing food can also make our bodies to be ideal; calories there are in the thyroid hormone is one of the effect is accelerating metabolime body. When hormones are reduced the process penuaan also be slow.
Research was conducted over a year, divided into three groups and the three groups together have a decrease in cholesterol level, fat and body weight. However, the decreasing rate thyroid only the first group. The first average kalorinya to reduce the number of 300-500 per day, the researchers also menjelaska that the food is not only slow penuaan, the effects of calorie reduction berimbas also on the more healthy lifestyle, body shape and a good (ideal).
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Nursing patients with GLOMERULO NEFRITIS
I. Definitions
Glomerulo nefritis acute is the term widely used, which refers to a group of kidney diseases in which inflammation occurs in glamerulus. (Brunner and Suddarth, 2001).
Glamerulo nefritis is peradanga and damage to the equipment filters the blood capillaries while kidney (Glamerulus), (Japaries, willie, 1993).
Glamerulus nefritis syndrome is a ditadai by inflammation of glemerulus followed by the establishment of several antigens (Engran, Barbara, 1999).
Streptococcus bacteria.
Communication with auto-immune diseases other.
Reaction drugs.
III.Manifestasi Clinic
Faringitis or tansiktis.
Pelvic pain
Ederma acute
Brown-colored urine.
Prokferusi cellular (peningkata cell production endotel; is yag stucco glomerulus), infilaltrasi lekosit to glameruus, and penebalan membranes or membrane filbtrasi glamerulus basalt generate network kehilagan surface of the stomach and filters. In glamerulo nefritis acute kidney swell, swelling and congestion.
In fact the case, the reaction is the stimulation of infection by bacteria in the steeptococus A tengorok, which biasayang precede glomerulo nefritis intervals until 2 - 3 weeks. Product streptacocus act as antinge, bersirkulasi stimulating antibody that causes kidney injuries.
Dealing medical V.
Anti hipertensif
Anti dkurektik
Infection with antibiotics streptokokal set.
Anti-Biotic profilaktif during pemuliha
Enter and output.
TTV 2 - 4 hours.
Sodium restriction.
VI.Pemeriksaan diagnostic
Urinalisis (UA) shows gross hematnya, protein and dismonfik (not suited) human resources, leusit, and gypsum hialin.
Rows filtration glomeruslus (IFG) meurun, klerins kreatinin on unrin used as a gauge spesine urine and LFG gathered 24 hours. Samples of blood for kreatinin also be featured with the way games all around flow (midstream).
Blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and serum menigkat when kreatinin kidney function started to decline.
Albumin and serum total protein may be normal or slightly down (because hemodilusi).
Example eletrokoresisi to random urine protein mengidenti filaasi types of urine protein in the urine issued.
What electrolyte Sodium and shows improvement or increase the normal rates, and potassium chloride.
VII.Potensial complications
Dekopensasi heart
GGA (Kidney Failure Akut)
Nursing VIII.Asuhan
1.Identitas patients.
2.Riwayat disease, first, and now the family.
3.Riwayat / of the risk factors.
a.Bagaimana frequency miksinya, whether there are:
b.Adakah aberration time miksi such as:
c.Apakah pain there is in the local area or in Unum.
d.Apakah disease arising after the peyakit the other.
e.Apakah there is nausea and vomiting.
f.Apakah there is oedema.
g.Bagaimana circumstances urinnya (volume, color, smell, weight, type, number of urie in 24 hours).
h.Adakah sekret or blood out.
i.Adakah hambantan sexual.
j.Bagaimana history, menstruation (menache, duration, many, sirkulasinya, keluhannya).
k.Bagaimana Historical pregnancy, arbortus, the use of kontrsepsi.
l.Rasa pain (location, identity, the emergence of pain).
m.Riwayat Maternity.
Bleeding n.Riwayat.
4. Physical data:
in general and specifically in the genital area palpasi:
daeraha on bdomen, jar, fold the thigh.
Auskultasi: blood abdomen.
Percussion: regional abdomen, kidney.
Keadaa general patients:
The level of awareness.
Eliputi vital high tension, pulse, temperature, breathing.
Glomerulo nefritis acute is the term widely used, which refers to a group of kidney diseases in which inflammation occurs in glamerulus. (Brunner and Suddarth, 2001).
Glamerulo nefritis is peradanga and damage to the equipment filters the blood capillaries while kidney (Glamerulus), (Japaries, willie, 1993).
Glamerulus nefritis syndrome is a ditadai by inflammation of glemerulus followed by the establishment of several antigens (Engran, Barbara, 1999).
Streptococcus bacteria.
Communication with auto-immune diseases other.
Reaction drugs.
III.Manifestasi Clinic
Faringitis or tansiktis.
Pelvic pain
Ederma acute
Brown-colored urine.
Prokferusi cellular (peningkata cell production endotel; is yag stucco glomerulus), infilaltrasi lekosit to glameruus, and penebalan membranes or membrane filbtrasi glamerulus basalt generate network kehilagan surface of the stomach and filters. In glamerulo nefritis acute kidney swell, swelling and congestion.
In fact the case, the reaction is the stimulation of infection by bacteria in the steeptococus A tengorok, which biasayang precede glomerulo nefritis intervals until 2 - 3 weeks. Product streptacocus act as antinge, bersirkulasi stimulating antibody that causes kidney injuries.
Dealing medical V.
Anti hipertensif
Anti dkurektik
Infection with antibiotics streptokokal set.
Anti-Biotic profilaktif during pemuliha
Enter and output.
TTV 2 - 4 hours.
Sodium restriction.
VI.Pemeriksaan diagnostic
Urinalisis (UA) shows gross hematnya, protein and dismonfik (not suited) human resources, leusit, and gypsum hialin.
Rows filtration glomeruslus (IFG) meurun, klerins kreatinin on unrin used as a gauge spesine urine and LFG gathered 24 hours. Samples of blood for kreatinin also be featured with the way games all around flow (midstream).
Blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and serum menigkat when kreatinin kidney function started to decline.
Albumin and serum total protein may be normal or slightly down (because hemodilusi).
Example eletrokoresisi to random urine protein mengidenti filaasi types of urine protein in the urine issued.
What electrolyte Sodium and shows improvement or increase the normal rates, and potassium chloride.
VII.Potensial complications
Dekopensasi heart
GGA (Kidney Failure Akut)
Nursing VIII.Asuhan
1.Identitas patients.
2.Riwayat disease, first, and now the family.
3.Riwayat / of the risk factors.
a.Bagaimana frequency miksinya, whether there are:
b.Adakah aberration time miksi such as:
c.Apakah pain there is in the local area or in Unum.
d.Apakah disease arising after the peyakit the other.
e.Apakah there is nausea and vomiting.
f.Apakah there is oedema.
g.Bagaimana circumstances urinnya (volume, color, smell, weight, type, number of urie in 24 hours).
h.Adakah sekret or blood out.
i.Adakah hambantan sexual.
j.Bagaimana history, menstruation (menache, duration, many, sirkulasinya, keluhannya).
k.Bagaimana Historical pregnancy, arbortus, the use of kontrsepsi.
l.Rasa pain (location, identity, the emergence of pain).
m.Riwayat Maternity.
Bleeding n.Riwayat.
4. Physical data:
in general and specifically in the genital area palpasi:
daeraha on bdomen, jar, fold the thigh.
Auskultasi: blood abdomen.
Percussion: regional abdomen, kidney.
Keadaa general patients:
The level of awareness.
Eliputi vital high tension, pulse, temperature, breathing.
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